Financial Cost

There is no cost to your facility. Most insurance companies and Medicaid cover breast pumps at 100% with no deductible or copays. We are currently an in-network provider for most insurance companies. To find out which companies, please call us at 888-877-6334, option #3.

Breast Pump Depot® cannot compensate your hospital. However, working with Breast Pump Depot® makes it possible for hospitals to realize significant savings on breastfeeding supplies traditionally provided by the hospital during post-partum, but for which the hospital is not specifically reimbursed.

We can work directly with mom in a private pay scenario. No involvement by hospital staff is needed. Since most moms have coverage through Medicaid or private insurance, very few have to self-pay for their breast pumps. If a mom has no insurance coverage and is unable to self-pay, we will refer her to WIC.